Mutation tests

Add PITest Mutation Plugin in pom.xml

        <!--                   PITest Mutation Plugin                   -->
            <mutationThreshold>70</mutationThreshold> ## test fail if output less than 70%
                <outputFormat>XML</outputFormat> ## export report at XML

add code below before build stage:

stage('Mutation Tests - PIT') {
            steps {
              sh "mvn org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage"
            post {
              always {
                pitmutation mutationStatsFile: '**/target/pit-reports/**/mutations.xml'

This is a Jenkins pipeline code snippet that defines a stage called "Mutation Tests - PIT" which runs a mutation testing tool called Pitest.

The stepsblock describes the task to be performed in this stage. In this case, it runs the mvn command which executes the Pitest maven plugin to generate mutation coverage report.

org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage: This is the specific goal being executed using the Pitest Maven plugin. The mutationCoverage goal is used to run the mutationtests and generate the mutation coverage report.

The postblock defines a post-build action to be executed after the completion of the stepsblock. The alwaysblock is a post-build action that runs whether the previous steps succeeded or not.

The p****itmutationcommand within the alwaysblock is a Jenkins plugin that parses the mutations.xmlfile generated by Pitest to calculate the mutation coverage statistics. The mutationStatsFileargument tells the plugin where to find the XML file.

Overall,this stage runs a mutation testing tool and generates a report using the Pitest maven plugin, followed by calculating and displaying the mutation coverage statistics using the Jenkins pitmutationplugin.

push new source code, jenkins have logs:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.pitest:pitest-maven:1.5.0:mutationCoverage(default-cli) on project numeric: Mutation score of 40 is below threshold of 70-> [Help 1]

Change 3 test case become like below:

    public void smallerThanOrEqualToFiftyMessage() throws Exception {
                .andExpect(content().string("Smaller than or equal to 50"));
    public void greaterThanFiftyMessage() throws Exception {
                .andExpect(content().string("Greater than 50"));
    public void welcomeMessage() throws Exception {
                .andExpect(content().string("Kubernetes DevSecOps"));

This is a JUnit test case written in Java that uses the Spring MVC Test framework.

The @Testannotation indicates that this method is a test case.

The name of the method welcomeMessag****e()is meant to describe the behavior being tested.

The throws Exceptionin the signature of the method indicate that this test may throw a generic Exception.

The this.mockMvc.perform(get("/"))is a method call in which we send an HTTP GET request to the application's root URL /.

The andDo(print())method is used to print the result of the request in the console.

The andExpect(status().isOk())method verifies that the response status code is 200(OK).

The andExpect(content().string("Kubernetes DevSecOps"))method verifies that the response body contains the exact string "Kubernetes DevSecOps".

Overall, this test case is checking that the application's Welcome page displays the correct message "Kubernetes DevSecOps".

ll /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/devsecops-app-num/target/pit-reports/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x  3 jenkins jenkins 4096 Mar  2 21:49 ./
drwxr-xr-x 11 jenkins jenkins 4096 Mar  2 21:49 ../
drwxr-xr-x  3 jenkins jenkins 4096 Mar  2 21:49 202303022149/